Part 2: Vendors we Love

Vendors We Love At DBA - DBandrea

Do you have the perfect business idea, but just haven't gotten started yet? We spoke to some of our favorite wedding vendors about their business and they have a lot of great advice to offer about starting a business and the wedding industry.

Event Planner

Pop Parties by Molly Rasmussen


"I am probably one of the few people I know who didn't fall into event planning on accident, it's my true passion, and purpose."

What advice have you received from business owners that you have found useful in running your own business?

Don't try to keep up with other people. Just because someone has a pretty Instagram doesn't mean they have money in their bank account or they are happy with what they are doing. Just be true to yourself, work hard, and treat others with respect - the rest will come!

Can you share a memorable client experience with us?

I have so many, but one that will forever have a place in my heart is our "Magical Unicorn Wedding." It was my first really big build out on my own, for a family who I have worked with for years and have really grown to love. The bride, Katie, is really a magical unicorn herself. She really trusted me for her wedding and I was able to translate her personality so well. My team crushed it on the execution and it was a celebration to remember for all. I remember standing in the back of the tent drinking champagne and crying because her and her family meant so much to me, and I was so proud of what we created for her that day.

And, Andrea even got to preserve a piece of that day for Katie!

Do you see any trends coming up for weddings in 2021 and 2022?

No available dates for 2021, that's a wild trend right now...LOL. 😜 But seriously, I really hate trends - I think that each bride should really just plan a wedding day that is a reflection of them and their lives together vs doing something because everyone else is doing it or because a blog said to do so.

How can our readers reach you?

Contact us through our website at ! We'd love to meet you!


Wedfully Yours Events by Linda Whitten


What made you start your business?

After planning my own wedding I knew I enjoyed this so much, I actually mourned that it was all over. It was on our honeymoon that my husband encouraged me to get started. So on that trip we began to brainstorm my company and I took the leap! From there, flowers fell into my passion as well once I began experimenting with blooms and making bouquets for friends.

What inspires you/motivates you to work?

My family gives me the most inspiration and motivation for me in anything I do. My parents were both entrepreneurs and it inspires me to live their legacy of being an entrepreneur myself. From there my kids motivate me in every way to encourage creativity, passion, and grit to get to the goals you want to have in life.

I will say, another motivation for me is that adrenaline you get from an event. There is something about the rush of getting everything produced and delivered on time and the satisfaction of seeing it all come together. It's so rewarding every single time.

What advice do you have for entrepreneurs who are just getting started/want to get started in business ownership?

Grace. Hone all that you can and hang onto it. You'll have to be the first to give it to yourself in this bumpy journey and never be above a mistake. We all make them and it's all about what you've learned from it and how you're going to get back up.

How can our readers/followers reach you?

@wedfullyyours on Insta

Elise Woods Designs by Elise Woods


Vendors We Love At DBA - DBandrea

What made you start your business?

I had been in the industry for 8 years and knew that I wanted to get out of corporate America so I took a leap of faith and decided to launch my own business in 2016.

What do you like about your job?

I love the creativeness of my job. I literally thanked God this morning for giving me such freedom in my craft and designing with freedom in mind. It is so amazing that I get to be a part of such a memorable day for couples! Also, being your own boss is so fun and rewarding.

I always say be 80% timeless and 20% trendy only because trends will come and go but a wedding that has the majority of a timeless feel will always be IN!

Vendors We Love At DBA - DBandrea

What advice do you have for entrepreneurs who are just getting started/want to get started in business ownership?

Give yourself grace! Fortune and success does not happen overnight! I have to tell myself that everyday because entrepreneurs can compare their Chapter 1 to someone's Chapter 10. Growth is so beautiful and you will look back on 3 years and even look back at a year and see how much you have grown! A lot can happen in a year.

How can our readers reach you?

You can reach me either by email at or you can follow me on Instagram at @elisewoodsdesigns and DM me!

Olive Grove Design by Olivia Merritt


IG: @olivegrovedesign

What made you start your business?

As a kid, I grew up being very inspired by my grandmother’s gardening and passion for flowers. After getting burnt out from climbing the ladder in corporate America, I decided to revisit my passion for flowers. I took a floral class at Brookhaven Community College, decided to embark on my personal journey as a floral entrepreneur, and thus, Olive Grove Design blossomed into what it is today!

One of my favorite moments at every wedding is when I hand deliver the bouquet to our brides. I always find myself fighting back tears at that exact moment because we have come so far together and I hope that it is everything that they ever dreamed of!

What advice have you received from business owners that you have found useful in running your own business?

Have grace. There will ALWAYS be more that can be done. "You are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress simultaneously." - Sophia Bush.

Do you see any trends coming up for weddings in 2021 and 2022?

More intimate, but still very lavish and meaningful weddings. This is most likely due to Covid-19, but I love this idea that people are really stepping back to look at the big picture, relooking over guest counts, and prioritizing who they really value being present at their weddings.

How can our readers reach you?

We can be reached directly via email at:, or via an inquiry form submission through our website at:


Backstage Makeup Professionals by Leslie Hernandez


What made you start your business?

I was lucky or blessed to grow up in a family of entrepreneurs. Goals and high aspirations were always a topic in the table. I learned that hard work and consistency pays off and pays well. Growing up in an entrepreneurial home taught me to manage difficult situations and not allow setbacks to affect me emotionally.

What do you like about your job?

As a makeup artist I have to nurture my client and build her confidence. I love to see a client leave my chair, look in the mirror and smile back at herself. There's a body language that goes with confidence. If she throws her shoulders back and holds her head high when she leaves then I know I did my job well.

Can you share a memorable client experience with us?

I was with one of my brides right before she was about to walk down the aisle and she turned to me and asked me “What marriage advice would you give me?” I was not expecting that. I told her to accept him as he is and love him the way he needs love. (we all speak different love languages). Months later, she came back to the studio for her birthday makeup ( a recreation of her wedding glam) and she remembered the advice I gave her and applies it.

How can our readers/followers reach you?

Find us on our bridal gallery at our website:

At either of our studios: North Dallas or University Park.

Search on Google: Backstage Makeup Professionals

Facebook: @backstagemakeupdfw



Walters Wedding Estates by Keith and Sarah Walters


What advice have you received from other business owners that you have found useful in running your own business?

Change is inevitable and should be a welcome part of any business. We are fortunate to be in such an incredible industry but trends and needs change and being adaptable is key. Connecting with our couples is equally important and making them feel at ease with such an important life event is also a driving force for our team.

How often do couples book a weekday wedding?

Weekday weddings have always been an enticing option for couples not only because of the price point but also because certain dates have a special meaning behind them and they just so happen to fall on an unconventional day. With a date shortage in 2021, we will definitely see couples leaning into the weekday wedding movement.

What goes into booking a venue? Is there info couples should know beforehand?

It can be a challenging process if you don’t know where to begin. The most important thing to keep in mind when planning and making such a defining decision is to remember what's most important, and that looks different for every couple. Is it great food? Excellent service? Inclusive amenities? Wedding planning should be fun and a lot of the time, depending on the venue couples select, that process is determined by the venue.

How can our readers reach you?

We’ve made it easy for couples to contact us! Check out

our website at or follow us on Facebook or Instagram.

Inspiration resource

DallasSites101 by Kara Shannon and Lily Kramlich-Taylor



What made you start your business?

We were both newcomers to Dallas -- we moved here for jobs. That sounded like the story of so many others who we were meeting. There seemed to be a need to better introduce the city to newcomers and guide people on how to make friends, where to go, what your weekend plans should be, etc. Dallas has been booming, there's a fun energy that the city is attracting more companies and people and taking off right now! That made us adjust our target audience to be anyone interested in an outgoing lifestyle, getting to know the city better and trying something new -- just not newcomers, but natives too!

What do you like about your job?

Kara - It feels like the sky's the limit! There is certainly the regular work that needs to get done like analytic recaps for every partnership, but there's also a lot of work that can be imagined and created.

Lily - We have control over it! I've always wanted to be an entrepreneur, I've been paving my own path since I can remember so to have actually achieved the ultimate goal of creating our own jobs and company, that's the dream!

What advice do you have for entrepreneurs who are just getting started/want to get started in business ownership?

Kara - Go, go, go! If it's still just an idea, go for it and start to realize it! Once you start, let yourself become obsessed with your business and give it your all. There will be hard days. Build your support network! There are a lot of female entrepreneurs in Dallas, and having a group to share advice and encouragement with will help you navigate your own journey as a female entrepreneur.

Lily - It's hard work but you have to put in the time and effort to see the return. A lot of people think what we do is easy or fluffy but we are doing so much more behind the scenes than people know. Be prepared when starting your own business to do admin, accounting, finance, marketing, logistics and every other department needed to make a business run successfully!

How can our readers/followers reach you?

We check our DMs constantly so give us a follow over at @dallasites101 and @101media_ and message us if you are seeking a recommendation or would like to work with us!

We couldn't thank these entrepreneurs enough for their insight into business ownership and their predictions for weddings trends. In case you missed it, part one of the blog has even more wedding vendors you don't want to miss!


Reading next

Part 1: Vendors we Love - DBandrea
Pressed Bouquet Preservation - DBandrea

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